Page created on June 12, 2018 by RL
Q: What jurisdiction or authority is in charge of RM 620 traffic from RR 2222 to Anderson Mill Rd?
A: in addition to law enforcement officials (city APD, Travis County Sheriff’s Dept, Travis County Constable, Highway Patrol, etc), the actual physical roadway of RM 620 is controlled by Texas Dept of Transportation (TxDOT) while the signal light timing inside the Austin city limits is controlled by the City of Austin Transportation Dept (ATD).Q: Why is traffic congestion on RM 620 so bad, particularly at peak hours?
A: The current actual daily average traffic volume on RM 620 is approximately double the daily average design traffic capacity of RM 620 from RR 2222 to Anderson Mill Rd. In addition, the intersections of 620/2222 as well as 620/Anderson Mill Rd are currently rated “F” level of service (“F” being the worst rating possible on a scale of “A – F”) which basically means that the intersection is severely overloaded at peak hours with lengthy relative wait times at signal lights.Q: Are there any large development projects planned on RM 620 that may negatively impact traffic in the near future?
A: Yes. A large 27 acre shopping and office center (called Parke 27) is in final construction phase at this time with the first retail stores planned to open in late March 2020. It is located at 7710 N RM 620 (between CVS at 2222 and Home Depot at Vista Parke Dr). New traffic signals have been installed at the RM620/Vista Parke Dr intersection and they will be activated in March 2020.Q: How and when will the severe traffic congestion on RM 620 be significantly improved?
A: TxDOT has authorized two traffic studies to work on both short-term improvements as well as the bigger and much more costly long-term improvements (8-15 years) that may entail either a widened existing RM620 roadway (widen from 4 lanes to 6 lanes) and/or an elevated roadway that would be similar to I-35 at downtown Austin. In addition, TxDOT will complete the RR2222/RM620 bypass project later this year to improve traffic flow on 2222. TxDOT has also announced that the RM620/Anderson Mill intersection will be significantly improved with an overpass constructed on 620. When completed in the 2024-2025 time frame, traffic will no longer have to stop at that intersection if going straight on RM620. New commercial developments in our area of NW Austin continues, so traffic congestion will likely get gradually worse before these planned new road improvements can offer relief.Q: What can CC residents do to help improve the significant traffic congestion on RM 620?
A: Participate in a greater community effort composed of residents of CC and many other neighborhoods along or near the RM 620 corridor that actively advocate for and solicit traffic improvement related project funding from local city and county entities as well as CAMPO (Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization). Note: CAMPO actually approves and funds capital street and bridge projects in our six county area of Texas. See additional information on the 620 TxDOT link. See Canyon Creek contacts below for more information on specifics.Q: What is the speed limit within the Canyon Creek subdivision?
A: 35 mph except where posted with a reduced speed limit such as around our school, parks, crosswalks, etc.Q: How can we encourage drivers to observe the posted speed limits on Boulder Lane and other streets in CC?
A: The CC HOA board authorized and installed two (2) radar speed signs in June of 2018 on both the north and south portions of Boulder Lane. The north Boulder location is very close to the driveway entrance for the community center. The south Boulder location is just across the street from the Savannah Ridge intersection. Also, we encourage residents to report observed unsafe driving to 911 for a response from Austin police if the event just occurred (within 5 minutes) with some details that can be provided such as vehicle make, model, color, license plate #, driver description, etc. Speed humps are not an allowed traffic calming option on Boulder according to current Austin Transportation Dept. (ATD) policy.Q: What is the purpose of the radar speed signs that were installed in mid-summer of 2018 in CC?
A: These two permanently installed radar speed signs have demonstrated traffic calming by analysis of hard data obtained. The intent of these units is to make the driver more aware of their speed and surroundings and to modify behavior on both a short term and a long term basis. Data (date, time, speed) from these units have been analyzed by to help refine and identify further potential traffic safety related actions that can be taken to improve safety. Additional radar speed signs are being considered for purchase and installation on Chestnut Ridge in 2020-2021 to promote additional traffic calming.Q: Will a driver or vehicle owner receive a speeding ticket if a radar speed sign detects speeding?
A: No. These units have no cameras.Q: What can be done besides radar speed signs to help prevent speeding and other traffic safety violations in our neighborhood?
A: The CC HOA Board has authorized effective Jan 01, 2020 increased paid neighborhood patrols by off-duty Travis County Deputy Constables from twice monthly to weekly. In addition, we have called upon Travis County Sheriff’s Dept and Austin APD officers to patrol more frequently in our neighborhood. We are hopeful that these additional measures will result in improved neighborhood traffic safety and traffic calming.Q: How can I get more involved in traffic and pedestrian safety issues in the CC neighborhood?
A: Contact the CC Traffic and Pedestrian Safety (TAPS) Committee by email at or contact one of the following committee members:
o Randy Lawson: 512-922-8184; email:
o Dave Marshall: 512-751-4565; email:
Additional Information
- Updated 02/27/2020 by DWM with updated content from Randy Lawson