V2 from Chris Kitten 3/21/2025
Your Responsibility and Awareness
Because Canyon Creek enjoys a close proximity to natural greenbelt areas, we all have a responsibility to be aware of and mitigate certain wildfire risks. Wildfires are inevitable and can be due to natural events, accidental, or by a deliberate act of arson. Regardless of the cause of a wildfire, embers may travel aloft and put your home at risk. Following the Firewise principles for ALL of our homes will help to minimize those risks.
Schedule a FREE Structural Ignition Zone Evaluation (S.I.Z.E.) conducted by the Austin Fire Department.
A member of the Austin Fire Department will evaluate your home exterior/landscaping and discuss with you ways to make your property fire-resistant. Every Canyon Creek homeowner is encouraged to participate since ALL homes in Canyon Creek are at risk, not just green belt lots. 90% of structure ignitions in a wildfire happen from the EMBER CAST from the fire, not from direct flame contact. Embers can travel over a mile.Harden your home against wildfire using Firewise guidelines.
Click on the link above for more details, but some easy to implement actions include:
DO NOT dump dead branches/debris in green belt areas. Schedule a free On-Demand Brush Collection with Austin Resource Recovery. For fuel reduction on properties that border HOA property, see the additional information provided below.
Clean leaves and other debris from gutters, porches and decks. Install metal gutter guards designed to prevent ember intrusion.
Move any flammable material away from wall exteriors (mulch, dead leaves, firewood piles, etc). Use crushed stone or gravel instead of wood mulch.
Verify that 1/8 inch metal mesh is covering all attic vents and eave vents to prevent ember intrusion.
Remove anything stored underneath decks and porches, as well as any leaves/debris under decks and porches.
3. Have a Wildfire Action Plan
Schedule Structural Ignition Zone Evaluation (S.I.Z.E) as detailed in #1 above.
Register with WarnCentralTexas for phone, email, and/or text alerts during times of disasters or public safety events.
Arrange your Go Kit with prescription medication, emergency supplies, important documents, and other essential items. (reference Wildfire Action Plan, Page 10)
Make sure you have your Go Kit on hand in an accessible place.
Alert household and neighbors of your action plan. Ensure you your household members and pets are accounted for and ready to leave.
Monitor local fire weather conditions and listen to emergency notification systems.
Get your Go Kit and leave well before the threat approaches using a planned, accessible route.
Cooperate with local authorities during the evacuation and re-entry process.
Guidelines for Canyon Creek Properties bordering HOA greenbelt land:
Make sure you do not have any unnecessary vegetative fire load behind or to the side of your property. While you do not own the greenbelt property, a wildfire can indiscriminately surge through any vegetation that may have been collected. This combustible fire load may not have been put there by you, but we need to work together to remove it. You do not need permission to enter the HOA greenbelt.
Homeowners with HOA greenbelt property adjacent to their homes are encouraged to clean out the vegetative fuel load (dead or living) behind or to the side of their homes to help create a defensible space in case of wildfires.
Homeowners can have this vegetation on HOA property removed and hauled off by self-removal, contractor removal at homeowner expense, or heavy brush pickup free of charge at the curb of your public street by the City of Austin crews by scheduling a pick-up of this brush.
Homeowners are allowed to remove vegetation/foliage (dead or living) including small diameter trees (up to 4 inches in diameter), brush, vegetative native ground cover such as grasses and weeds, and tree limbs up to 10 feet above ground level (to create a shaded fuel break)
Homeowners are authorized to have the above mentioned vegetation removed up to 30 feet onto HOA property located immediately behind their homes.
No fires of any kind are allowed in any part of our Canyon Creek HOA greenbelt areas as it poses a certain risk to property damage and to the lives of our residents. Call the fire department at 911 to report any fire regardless if it is contained or not. Call the police at 911 to report any suspicious persons that you believe may be involved in any firebuilding activity. Please contact your board at board@canyoncreek.net if you wish to pass along any additional information.
Be aware that the Canyon Creek board may seek a motion to codify certain fines against members who fail to engage in cleaning up debris that they may have discarded into the HOA Greenbelt area. Especially note the areas marked in dark pink in this chart.
Canyon Creek Firewise Presentation
(link to presentation slide deck from Chris Dibrell that is scheduled for 4.23.2025)
LInk to 2018 Presentation
Learn about the greatest threat to homes in a wildfire.
Be Embers Aware
Ember Cast Demonstration Video
Guide to landscaping your home with fire-resistant plants.
Firewise Landscaping in Texas
Select fire-resistant materials for home repair and construction
Fire Resistant Materials
Other Official Firewise Resources Previously Posted:
Print, study, and follow these resources. They may save your life, your property and may limit your liability in the case of a catastrophic wildfire.
Canyon Creek Firewise Presentation (January 24th, 2018 - 40 pages - START HERE)
READY, SET, GO!: Your personal Wildland Fire Action Guide 2022 V4
Firewise Communities (2 pages)
Planting Guide: Characteristics of Fire Resistive Vegetation (2 pages) and Texas Plant Flammability List (12 pages)
Firewise Landscaping in Texas (8 pages)