Fire Stations and Police Station Support for Canyon Creek

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: How do I reach the Austin Fire Dept (AFD) in case of fire or medical emergency?
    A: Dial “911”

  2. Q: What are the locations of the closest fire stations to CC for emergency response?
    A: The new Canyon Creek AFD station #54 and EMS station #48 located at 9804 N RM 620 have recently opened and are now responding to calls. AFD fire station #39 located on River Place Blvd just off 2222 is the next closest fire station. With the new Canyon Creek fire/EMS station now operational, response times to our neighborhood should be much quicker than the previous average response time of over 12 minutes.

  3. Q: What is the current average response time by AFD to an emergency call from Canyon Creek:
    A: Current average response time is slightly over 12 minutes, depending on the exact home location. Traffic congestion on RM 620 often slows the response time. Note: The AFD goal is to arrive at the scene within 8 minutes after receipt of the call for 90% of all calls.

  4. Q: Is a new Austin fire station planned to better support CC in the future?
    A: Yes, the Austin City Council has plans to build a new APD police station which will be co-located at the newly opened fire/EMS station mentioned above and located at 9804 N RM 620. While plans are in place for this new APD station, Austin city council has not yet approved the funding in the city budget. It is anticipated that funding could be approved and allocated in 2026

Additional Information

Page Edit History:

  • 2025-3-6 (dwm) updated to add station #54

  • 2020-12-23 (jmw): Changed “Smoke Alarm” link to match “Free Smoke Alarm” link to match target page content.

  • 2019-02-12 (dwm): Posted Q4 updates from Randy Lawson

  • 2018-07-03 (rl): Page created by Randy Lawson