Frequently Asked Questions
Q: May I advertise for my business with a sign in my yard or on my house?
A: NoQ: May a company or contractor for which I have hired place a sign in my yard before, during or after the work is complete?
A: No. This includes insect control services, pool construction contractors, etc.Q: May my son or daughter put a team spirit or team sign (i.e. band) in the yard?
A: Yes.Q: May political signage be displayed?
A: Yes, but in compliance with See ELECTION CODE, TITLE 15. REGULATING POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS, CHAPTER 259, POLITICAL SIGNS, only within the time window of 90 days before and 10 days after the candidates election. This rule applies to both primary and general elections. As an example for 2020:The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. Political signs may be displayed from August 5th, 2020 to November 13th, 2020.
Runoff elections have the same restrictions - 90 days before and 10 days after the election for the display of political signage.
Other restrictions apply so you should read the property code if doing anything more that simply displaying a sign for the candidate.
Q: May I place signs for non-profit, school-related, etc. activities and events in the Canyon Creek common areas (along Boulder Lane, Community Center property, etc.)?
A: The Canyon Creek DCCR document Article 3.3 Signs prohibits the placement of signs on any Association common area.
Additional Information
In general signage is not allowed (especially business signage) in Canyon Creek. See the Canyon Creek DCCR document Article 3.3 Signs. Key exceptions as noted:
School spirit and team signage for elementary, middle, high school and collage teams are allowed. This signage is in demonstration of support for our children's athletic and team efforts (i.e. band). College spirit flags are typically displayed during basketball and football seasons, though there is no restriction on when.
Political Signage which may may not be displayed earlier than 90 days before a candidates election or later than 10 days after a candidates election. Additional restrictions apply. See ELECTION CODE, TITLE 15. REGULATING POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS, CHAPTER 259, POLITICAL SIGNS.
Real Estate signage may be displayed for actively listed property. "Open House" signage placed in common areas, should be removed after the open house engagement is complete.
Page Update History
2020-11-11 (dwm): Updated the dates for elections to be more current.
2020-02-04 (jmw): Updated answer to Q4 concerning political signs to include reference to primary elections. Also updated example for 2020 election dates. Note: Section 009 in Texas Property Code appears 202 appears to be not present in this official .gov document as of this writing. References to other public references may be found by searching for “Texas Property Code 202.009”.
2020-02-04 (jmw): Updated references from Chapter 11, Texas Property Code 202.009 to ELECTION CODE, TITLE 15. REGULATING POLITICAL FUNDS AND CAMPAIGNS, CHAPTER 259, POLITICAL SIGNS. See Texas House bill H.B. 2554.
2019-07-16 (jmw): Added Q&A concerning non-profit, school related questions.
2018-07-14 (jmw): Correction if typos
2018-06-06 (jmw): Made minor wording clarifications.
2018-06-05 (jmw): Created primary content and references.