Form Version 1.0 created by jmw on May 4th, 2018

Member Firewise / Greenbelt Cleanup Application

The HomeOwner ________________________________________________________  (member's name)

at address ______________________________________________________________ (member's street address) 

request that the Canyon Creek Architectural Review Committee to approve a Firewise maintenance plan in compliance with the Canyon Creek Firewise guidelines at  to remove ________ (# of trees) "dead and down" trees and / or vegetation, "dead trees and at risk damaging private property", and "ladder fuels up to no higher than 8 feet" up to a distance of 50 feet onto the HOA greenbelt property adjacent to the homeowner’s property to embrace support for the Canyon Creek's Firewise program.  This authorization expires 3 months after signature by the Canyon Creek Architecture Review Committee. 

By signing below, the homeowner agrees to hold the Canyon Creek HOA, the Canyon Creek ARC, and the Canyon Creek's management company harmless in cases of property damage, injury or death.  The homeowner is responsible to repair any property damage caused by the homeowner, volunteers or contractors.

Homeowner’s signature _____________________________________________________    Date __ / __ / __  (mm/dd/yy)

ARC approval signature _____________________________________________________    Date __ / __ / __  (mm/dd/yy) 

Required if the Homeowner chooses an Arborist / Contractor to assist

The Canyon Creek HOA authorizes _____________________________________________ (Arborist / Contractor Name)

as a licensed and insured arborist / contractor to perform work on behalf of the homeowner in compliance with the Canyon Creek Greenbelt / Firewise guidelines at  as described above.

By signing below, the contractor agrees to hold the Canyon Creek HOA, the Canyon Creek ARC, and the HOA's management company harmless in cases of property damage, injury, or death.  

Arborist / Contractor’s License number ________________________ ,   

Arborist / Contractor’s Signature ______________________________________________    Date __ / __ / __ (mm/dd/yy)

Please send your completed application to and