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EARTH DAY 2017 Mulch-a-Thon is Here!!
Thank you for all the enthusiasm for this chance to make a difference in our neighborhood environment!! Join in to help conserve water in Canyon Creek on Earth Day, this Saturday, April 22!! Every household in Canyon Creek can make a difference!!
The two teen leaders who bring the largest teams of volunteers on the day of the event and whose teams work the most hours will each receive a $25 gift card thanks to the generosity and support of Rudy's & Mighty Fine restaurants.
Here is the event timeline:
- 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. Deposit your bag of Texas Native Hardwood Mulch on your favorite grass-thin spot or beside your favorite oak tree on Boulder Lane or at the Mulch Collection Centers at the parks.
- 7 a.m. - 12 p.m. Bring a rake labeled with your name and Register at the Mulch Collection Center nearest you to join a team to fan out to spread Texas Native Hardwood Mulch to build up our landscape's water retention capabilities along Boulder Lane. Come for 1 or 2 hours or all 5!!
- 12 p.m.- 1 p.m. Final inspection, review and clean-up
A big thank you to our sponsors:
- Dorie Dillard of Coldwell Banker for supporting the team in many ways, providing signage, advice and promotional support.
- Class Act Renovators Inc. for providing us with a truck and a trailer to serve as our Mulch Collection Centers at both parks as well as manpower.
- Rudy's and Mighty Fine Burgers for providing gift cards.
Thank you to the HOA Board for providing ongoing support and to PerfectCuts for their guidance in mulch placement for maximum advantage.
Please contact us via PM if you are interested in being a teen or adult team leader!
Remember to wear neon colors and to leave children and pets at home for safety!!! Thank you!!!
If your property abuts Boulder Lane, please feel free to toss your bag over the fence and we will take care of the rest!!
We look forward to your support on April 22!!! If every household contributes one bag, we can make a huge impact and over 3-5 years we can transform our landscape and improve water retention many fold!!
Canyon Creek Earth Day Organizing Team
Contact: Elizabeth or Max Wolf tel. 512-826-6914.