Fall Is Here, Time to Give Your Landscaping Some Attention

Dear Association Members:

Fall is finally here and the heat of summer is a thing of the past. Now is the time to address issues you may have had with your landscaping during the summer. Some of us have burned out spots in our lawns due the lack of rain and the intense sun of the summer. This could be due to sprinklers not being adjusted correctly or not working at all. Now is the time to correct these issues. Watering restrictions also make watering a challenge, but it's not impossible to keep your landscaping alive. Our Austin water restrictions (http://www.austintexas.gov/department/water-restrictions) do allow you to keep your lawn watered once per week. In fact, we recommend that you water twice in the same day - once, say at 2 a.m., and then again at 9 p.m., the same day of your watering day. This amount of watering will keep your lawn alive, though not thriving. See our lawn and landscaping compliance tips on our website blog: http://canyoncreek.net/new-blog/2018/3/4/spring-lawn-and-landscape-compliance-tips.

Remember that our DCCRs (http://canyoncreek.net/dccrs) (Sections 3.19 and 3.20) require homeowners to keep their lots neat and tidy in appearance. Lawns must be kept mowed, edged, and free of weeds and trash. Planters and beds must be kept free of weeds, leaves, and other debris. Some latitude is permitted for seasonal leaf shedding. Shrubs and trees must be kept trimmed and attractive. Any dead foliage or limbs must be removed promptly. Nothing on an Owner's Lot must be allowed to become overgrown or unmaintained. Owners with xeriscaping are reminded that "low-maintenance" does not mean "no-maintenance." Xeriscaped beds must be equally maintained, edged, and kept free of weeds, leaves, and other debris. 

Sufficient water must be applied to the landscaping, in accordance with any mandatory watering schedule in effect, to maintain the sod and plantings on the Lot. Landscape irrigation systems must be kept in good working order. Sod must not be allowed to die due to lack of water. Bare spots are not allowed, although some latitude is permitted in heavily shaded yards where sod is difficult to grow. In this case, it may be more attractive to create a bed and to mulch or use shade tolerant plants. Be aware that construction of new beds requires an application to and review by the Architectural Review Committee.

Also, more information is available in our Frequently Asked Questions (http://canyoncreek.net/mowing-and-landscaping) section on our website.

Good luck with your efforts to improve the looks of our neighborhood in the coming months.

Regards, Your HOA Board of Directors

Page Revision History

2021-03-02 (jmw): Corrected permalink to CoA watering restrictions.