Lap Swimming Access

Dear Association Members:

The Canyon Creek pool will continue its practice of opening the pool exclusively for lap swimming this 2022 season during the designated lap swim hours from 5:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. and from 8 pm to 11 pm daily. If you have previously registered as a lap swimmer, you do not have to “re-enable” your access. Entry to the pool area during these hours is restricted to members of the "Lap Swim" access control group. We ask that you use this time to swim laps or to use the pool for exercise, such as water aerobics.

Members who have not registered previously are invited to request membership in the "Lap Swim" group by submitting this request in the link below.

Please follow the steps below when completing the form above:

  • Complete all fields with an asterisk beside it (*) (name, association name, address, etc.)

  • Under "Type of Device Requesting" please select "POOL"

  • Then select "Renewing Existing Device" and list the number on your pool device in the section labeled "Device #" to the right of this option.

  • Scroll all the way down to the comments section of the form. In the comments section, please include the following language "Please add my device to the lap swim group".

  • Complete the remaining fields with an asterisk (*) (signature, name, date, etc.) and then click "SUBMIT".

  • A member of SpectrumAM's access team will send you an email to once the request has been completed.
    Allow up to 48 hours for your request to be processed.

Lap swimmers may not permit others to enter the pool gate using their access card. All swimmers entering the pool must badge in. No tailgating is permitted for non-family members. Lap swimmers are asked to abide by 1 swimmer per lane in the 5 lanes of the pool to achieve social distancing requirements.

In accordance with posted signage at the pool entry, all swimmers agree to wipe down any surfaces they touch, such as the entry gate, handrails, pool furniture, and bathroom facilities, using their own disinfecting wipes and maintain social distance while using the Canyon Creek pool. All swimmers further agree to hold the Canyon Creek HOA harmless in the event of injury or infection with COVID-19. The pool is “swim at your own risk” during lap swim hours.

Sunbathing and water play are not permitted in the pool area during the lap swim hours.

Enjoy your lap swimming time!


Canyon Creek HOA Board & Spectrum Association Management